Schwäbisch Hall

On January 5, 2014 by Sarah C. Geraci
Florida Scarf Walfisch

The Walfisch…Now featuring Florida Scarf!

Yesterday was the first day my scarves were for sale…in a real store…in Germany. I feel as if I achieved many goals I had set for myself for these three years in Germany; and this is another I can add to the list of accomplishments.

The store is named the Walfisch. It is located at Rothenbergerstrasse 51a, Nurnberg, Germany, 90443. It is an artist’s co-op, featuring all handmade items, and complimentery tea and cake. It is open every Saturday from 12:00-19:00. A fabulous selection from Florida Scarf will be available for purchase through February.

While my scarves were busy selling themselves Phil and I had a bit of extra time to do a little sightseeing. Normally in January we prefer to do our sightseeing from (at least) 2,000 m. high, but since this winter has not seen the snowfall we’d like we’re saving our ski-travels for when it does.

Sud Haus Schwäbisch Hall

Sud Haus Restaurant, Schwäbisch Hall

Yesterday we took a trip to Schwäbisch Hall. It is a town located (about an hour) southwest of Ansbach; straight down A6. You won’t find Schwäbish Hall in a guide book (or at least I couldn’t) but a recent acquaintance of mine, Jochen Sturm, told me it’s a must-see while living here. Of particular note there is an art museum famed for it’s architecture. Of course I can’t just ask Phil to go to an art museum, so I found a bit of something of interest for him. Near Schwäbisch Hall there is a historical airfield. It was home to an Army base until 1993, but the life of the airfield dates back to 1934. The airfield is on the way to the art museum, so we stopped there first. It has a modest museum, run by a pack of social gentleman. (ranging in age, but all speaking enough English) We learned the history of the place from start to finish, and were delighted by the numerous artifacts and anecdotes the veterans had to share.

The museum is open every Saturday from 13:00-16:00. I say it’s worth the trip…especially if you’re on your way to the art museum. Coincidentally they are both owned by the same guy; Mr. Würth. Würth strikes me as an interesting (insanely rich) guy. He started making his money just after WWII. (as we were told) He bought a box of 100 screws, took it home, broke it up into ten boxes of ten screws, sold them separately, and his construction supply empire grew from there. Mr Würth bought the airfield in 1993 after the Army left. He owns a couple of airplanes and now the runway only opens for him.

Horse Sculpture Kunsthaus Würth

Kunsthalle Würth and Schwäbisch Hall, the west facing view.

In 2001, his art museum was born. Like the airfield, entrance to the museum is free and it contains a digestable amount of visibles, readables, and audibles. Until May 11th, the museum is showing it’s collection of animal art. The museum contains only modern art, so the works on display range from clever, to grotesque, to factual, to lame. They’ve got something for everyone. Kunsthalle Würth also has an adjacent hall that houses a separate exhibition. Yesterday they were still showing nativity scenes from Peru. It was the perfect amount of (post-Christmas) Christmas joy.

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